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Global Proclamation Congress II for the ...

TOPIC would like to encourage your attendance at GProCongress II. The GProCongressII announcement is as follows:    The Lord willing,GProCongress II, as part of the Global Proclamation Commission, is to be convened in Panama City, Panama, November 12-17, 2023. It builds on the momentum of GProCongress I (Bangkok, 2016). The vision of the Global Proclamation […]

Learning During the Coronavirus

Learning During the Coronavirus

The Coronavirus is impacting all of us. Yet, we rejoice in our Risen Savior. Peter tells us that we have an “inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.” (1Peter 1:4 NIV95) He goes on to say in verses 5-7, “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to […]