TOPIC would like to encourage your attendance at GProCongress II. The GProCongressII announcement is as follows: 


The Lord willing,GProCongress II, as part of the Global Proclamation Commission, is to be convened in Panama City, Panama, November 12-17, 2023. It builds on the momentum of GProCongress I (Bangkok, 2016).

The vision of the Global Proclamation Commission is “all pastors trained and every pastor a trainer.” The mandate: 100,000 more trainers of pastors by 2030. And the outcome: One million better-trained pastoral leaders.

At GProCongress II, RREACH envisions 1,000 trainers of pastors from all sectors of pastoral training worldwide coming together to build community, explore opportunities, discover resources and exchange encouragement. As God enables, delegates will commit to developing and documenting at least one more pastor trainer each year for the following seven years. Regardless of your primary sector or expertise in pastoral training, this strategy intends to reduce the massive deficit of pastors with basic training by 30% to 50% in this decade.

We don’t want anyone who should be at GProCongress II to miss out on attending this major event for the future of Christ’s Church. Since TOPIC’s constituency well fits the delegate criteria, we want you to be among the first to know about a very significant “early bird” discount. Please register on or before May 31, 2023, by visiting, and select your country to view relevant cost details—our best way to give every attendee a scholarship—on a first-come basis.

Will you pray right now about attending and sign up as soon as possible? Go to, and click on the “Register” button at the top. You will find much information for your consideration. We ask you to recommend GProCongress II to other trainers of pastors who should be there. Think in twos, even multiples!

Please join us in prayer and action toward the vision and outcome of the GProCommission! Pray for RREACH as we raise the resources for all who should be there and for the multi-year follow-up of your strategic and substantive activity toward multiplying the quantity and quality of trainers of pastors worldwide, and especially where Christ’s Church is growing.

For the health of His Body and the beauty of His Bride,

ramesh richard phd, thd

president, RREACH| professor, Dallas Seminary

founder, TOPIC |Convener, GProCommission