Implementing TOPIC
“Every church with equipped and maturing pastoral leadership.”
TOPIC is an international coalition of pastoral training organizations accelerating pastoral training where the Church is growing, by:
• Equipping the trainers of pastoral leaders;
• Increasing the effectiveness of trainers of pastoral trainers;
• Building the capacity of pastoral training organizations;
Resulting in large numbers of pastoral leaders who, as Christ-like servants, biblically shepherd a congregation to fulfill the Great Commission to the glory of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Conviction. It is TOPIC if it is built on…
- The premise that an effective way to accomplish the vision is through non-formal training.
- The recognition that Scripture and the church set the training agenda for the development of God’s people.
- The strength of consistent and focused prayer initiatives.
Constituency. It is TOPIC if…
- It is a network of trainers of pastors and pastoral training organizations.
- There is respected leadership in a coordinating group committed to working with the whole body of Christ to equip pastoral leadership who lack essential ministry competencies.
Continuing Process. It is TOPIC if…
- The coordinating group steers the implementation and oversees the fulfillment of the commitments made.
- It is based on research that determines the extent of pastoral training needs, identifies existing pastoral training efforts, and measures effectiveness.
- TOPIC Best Practices for equipping pastoral leaders are researched and promoted on an on-going basis.
- It convenes consultations of pastoral trainers that lead to more and better training commitments that are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Bound) with special focus on the year 2010.