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TOPIC Brazil’s New Leadership![]()
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Pastor Juracy Carlos Bahia, |
The 2015 TOPIC Brazil Consultation was held in Pousada Betania, Curitiba, Parana (in southern Brazil); (Nov. 17-19). Pastors and leaders representing several churches and denominations, from various parts of Brazil, took part in this gathering, which was an opportunity for harmonious fellowship, mentoring, further training and spiritual growth. The theme of the Consultation was “Pastoral Leaders with a Shepherd’s Heart.“ Our speakers presented us with substantial messages having to do with the general theme and emphasizing “A Shepherd’s Heart.” Pastor Paschoal Piragini, preaching to us Tuesday and Wednesday nights, emphasized the experience of Jesus’ disciples — especially Peter as he received his pastoral calling in Luke 5 and John 21:5-17. With the theme of “A Shepherd’s Heart,” Pastor João Batista Cavalcante spoke to us Wednesday morning about “Taking Part in the Making of a Person’s Story” and Thursday morning about “Forming Leaders with a Shepherd’s Heart.” [Translator’s note: These are among the subjects dealt with in a just-published book by Dr. Cavalcante, with a title which means Like Sheep That Have a Shepherd: The forming of leaders with a pastor’s heart.] The subjects chosen and presented by our speakers not only impressed us but also stirred us leaders to action. As a further opportunity for growth and skill development, our TOPIC Brazil Consultation provided three workshops for the attending pastoral leaders. On Wednesday morning our speaker was Pastor Arthur Duck, who dealt with the subject “Cosmovision and New Leaders,” basing his talk on the experiences of Gideon in Judges 6-10 and emphasizing the fact that the Lord uses his leaders in spite of their limitations. That afternoon the speaker was Pastor Walter Feckinghaus, who dealt with the subject “Tools for the Ministry of Pastoral Leaders.” In this he was assisted by some of his associates in the Editora Esperança publishing house. They showed us valuable materials for use in church growth, especially aimed at small groups and couples, as well as game-like materials for use with children possibly exposed to the risk of abuse. Wednesday morning our speaker was Pastor Daniel Ventura, who informed and challenged us as he dealt with a number of technologies available to improve the visual presentation of messages, the availability of corporate emails, teleconferences and electronic calendars. He also emphasized the importance of those cooperating with TOPIC signing in to the www.Atos6.com site, and mentioned the worldwide growth of courses being offered on-line, used by an increasing number of people throughout Brazil. He encouraged those present to make known the School of Leaders www.escoladoslideres.com.br a partner of TOPIC Brazil which offers, on-line, courses for the development of leaders. Wednesday morning we had a Skype contact with Dr. Ramesh Richard, who spoke to us with the interpretation of Pastor Michael Counter, making known plans for the Global Proclamation Congress for Trainers of Pastors, to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, June 15-22, 2016. (We were encouraged to learn more details by going to the site http://grpocongress.org/portuguese/. In this Consultation the official leaders of TOPIC Brazil for the period from 2015 to 2017 were elected (see photo above). Those chosen were: President, Pastor Ozéas Dias Gomes; Vice-President, Pastor Daniel Ventura; First Secretary, Pastor Juracy Carlos Bahia; and Second Secretary, Pastor Michael Counter. For the next two years these men will be coordinating the activities of TOPIC Brasil and will be counting on the prayers of all brothers and friends of TOPIC Brazil. On Thursday morning, the 19th, we had the opportunity to pray and thank God for the life of Pastor Lowell Albert Bailey, who that day was completing 85 years of life. To God be all the Glory and Honor. – Reported in Portuguese by Pastor Ozéas Dias Gomes & translated by Pastor Lowell Bailey.
For further information, please contact – ozeasdiasgomes25@gmail.com |
New Book Launched in Brazil-
Leadership Development Seminars – Philippines
Three TOPIC Leadership Development Seminars were held in Zimboanga del Norte, Philippines, during October 2015. Pastor Phillip Veloro is the TOPIC Regional leader in Dipolog, Zimboanga del Norte. Pastors Roli Manuel and Phillip Veloro traveled 142 kilometers from Dipolog City to Liloy, Zamboanga – where the seminars were held (see photo above). Two pastors traveled 200 km by motorcycle to participate. 82 pastors and church leaders from 55 churches participated in the 1st two seminars. 90 pastors from 61 churches were involved in the 3rd seminar. Themes included: Leaders That Make an Impact (Marks of True Leaders, Kingdom Values, Handling Deep Hurts, Key Principles in Ministry & The Leader’s Covenant); Restoring the Fallen (Definition of Church Discipline, Results of Church Discipline, & When is Church Discipline considered successful?); Mature and Multiply (8 Essetial Characteristics of Growing Churches, A Disciple-making Church, 4 Stages Towards Spiritual Maturity & Multiplication, Jesus’ Terms of Discipleship,TAP into the Source, Personal Assessment & How to Mentor Your Leaders). Mentoring sessions followed each seminar. The facilitators included Pastors Roli Manuel and Phillip Veloro. Objectives: 1. To equip pastors and church leaders towards maturity and multiplication; Comments: • “The Leadership Development Seminars were a great blessing to me as a minister. These seminars made a great impact on my life. I learned many things that will help me to be an effective leader. I’m excited to apply my learning and see my church mature and multiply. Thank you much to our facilitators.” – Ptr. V. M. For additional information, please contact: roliman1120@gmail.com |
A Cry for Intimacy with God
In 2016, a book launch in several South African cities is being planned, to pull together pastoral training organizations, denominational and network leaders, and others – to receive the research results and to strategize how the training needs can be met. For more information, please contact SA’s David Bulger at; dbulger@topicusa.net.. More information will be shared in a future issue of the TOPIC Ministry Update. |
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